– (born october 10, 1986) is an Belgian film director. Being the daughter of a painter, Flo developed a love for the creative arts at an early age and spended most of her youth in a Belgian theater company. At 18 she retreated from the spotlight, enrolling in the audiovisual arts program at the LUCA, School of Arts in Brussels. Concentrating on the balance between reality and fiction, she specialised in documentary filmmaking.
After her studies she learned the practical aspects of filmmaking throughout collaboration with other directors and as a videoclip direc¬tor. Añoranza is her first feature movie. It’s inspired by the Cuban re¬ality and a desorientated generation. Shot in Havana, Añoranza is the poetic voice of three older Habaneros, balancing on a rope between their revolutionary past and an uncertain future: Luis, Ernesto and Carmelo.