Awards and Jury

The Festival Jury

The Festival Jury, consisting of:
Przemysław Antoniewicz, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
Anita Budziszewska, Institute of International Relations of University of Warsaw
Adam Rostkowski, film expert and photographer
Aneta Sałajczyk, HumanDoc Foundation
Marcin Radomski, culture expert, journalist, film critic
will assess the films presented in the Best Foreign Film and Best Polish Film sections.

European Commission Representation in Poland Jury, consisting of:
Witold Naturski, President of the European Commission Jur
Katarzyna Pszczoła
Anna Kurpanik
will grant a Special Award of the Institute of International Relations of University of Warsaw.

University of Warsaw Jury, consisting of:
dr Dorota Heidrich, of the University of Warsaw Jury
mgr Anita Budziszewska
will grant a Special Award of the Institute of International Relations of University of Warsaw.


Grand Prix for the Best Foreign Film (amounting to 1000 Euro):

The prize will be awarded by the Festival Jury to the best film of the Festival presented in this section of the competition.

Grand Prix for the Best Polish Film (amounting to 5000 PLN):

The prize will be awarded by the Festival Jury to the best film of the Festival presented in this section of the competition.
This award has been funded by the Polish Film Institute.
Fundatorem nagrody jest Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej.

“Various Faces of Migration” – Special Award of the European Commission Representation in Poland (amounting to 1000 Euro):
The prize will be awarded by the European Commission Representation in Poland Jury to the best film presented in the section “Various Faces of Migration”.This award has been funded by the European Commission Representation in Poland.

Special Award of the Institute of International Relations of University of Warsaw (amounting to 1000 Euro):
The prize will be awarded by the University of Warsaw Jury to the best film of the Festival participating in this section of the competition.

Audience Award:
The prize will be awarded as a result of an Audience poll to the best film presented in any section of the competition.

The Festival’s Organizers reserve the right to award prizes in other categories.